Wednesday, October 05, 2005

An Opportunity: Cafe License application

I live above the Dead Poet at 450 Amsterdam, which has decided to apply for a cafe license. We already have problems with smokers' and drinkers' noise outside our building (sounds like their conversation is in my apartment!) as well as noise coming from the ceiling mounted speakers and A/C.

We have called the bar manager and police - actions that resulted in a 10 minute hush, or nothing at all. One cop told my neighbor, "get someone to beat up the owner, or move!"

On top of that the Dead Poet owner never bothered to let us, the tenants, know about the application, as required. I found out about the cafe license application from my monthly Community Board email (

I went around with a petition to oppose the license, and heard more stories about the Dead Poet cafe noise from 14 people on our block (who all signed the petition).

I'm bringing the petition to the full CB7 meeting that's happening Oct 6. Anyone from the community can speak at the public session. You sign up for 2 minutes.

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